Saturday, May 21, 2011

Haley Reinhart - the Bluesy Bombshell

From the time we first met Haley at the Milwaukee audition, she proved to be full of spirit with a unique singing style. It took her a few weeks to gain momentum, but the 20-year-old Chicago native had something to prove – and prove it she did.

We learn more about Haley, the self-described “goofball,” during her exit interview. The superstar in the making has been performing in her family’s band since she was a child. “My parents have taught me the rules of the stage since I was 8.” She was thrilled to have her dad perform with her on the show and at her hometown event. “I got to go back home and play with them – having them on the stage and actually getting to give them a couple of licks and show America what they could do was so special to me.”

In regards to her rendition of Idol cover songs, she explains that she liked taking the songs in a different direction and making them more “funkified.” She believes that the judges’ criticism was to help her move further in the competition. “It was apparent that they liked to get me to where I could be at the top of my game, and get me a little fired up…I come out with something that they didn’t expect. It’s up to America. I got to Top 3 and that was quite alright.”

Haley has no regrets and is glad that she got to show versatility. “I took a lot of risks in the beginning when usually you do the opposite, maybe they didn’t know how to take me. I started getting into my own little niche – the rock, bluesy sultry feel – and I think America finally started to catch on.”

In regards to her ousting this week, she is not upset. “Of course everybody is going to be surprised with the verdict. All in all, I accepted it very quickly, took it in, took it all with a grain of salt. Everything happens for a reason. This is a good thing; it only means that I’m going to start my career as a solo artist even sooner.”

She adds, “You have seconds to think about it. I took a second and then I said – alright. This is it. Guess what – I have to sing a song in about five seconds. Let’s have a good time with it – show America why they kept me there so long. Give them a good show.”

The singer has a lot of ideas about what her debut record will be like. “To begin with, I would love to do an album that’s like sultry bluesy rock. I absolutely love jazz, so hopefully I can slip that in somewhere.”  She is thankful for the advice she received from the mentors on the show and grateful that they treated her like a professional. “They were all so down to earth and very generous with their comments. It was very sweet all around.”

Haley doesn’t feel that the audience really got to know the real her. “I’m usually bubbly.” She will miss everyone on the show. “Everybody is such a big family… They’ve got my back. Gosh, I love everybody back there.”

Learn more about Haley on her official American Idol web page.

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