Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Support "Team Levi" and the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas

Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in "Frontierland"

Max and I are happy and proud to donate to "Team Levi".  During a recent convention Jensen Ackles auctioned off a container of rock salt in honor of his nephew's Buddy Walk.

Learn more about it here: (2011 Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas Buddy Walk).

From the site:

The Buddy Walk® is an incredible day of celebration with family and friends to raise awareness, raise funds, and raise hope of a better world for all people with Down syndrome.

I was concerned for Mr. Ackles who does not participate in facebook or twitter and seems quite reserved about himself. As SPN fans, Max and I thought it would be best to blog about the event.

We wish the Ackles family all the best. We thank the Ackles family for inspiring us to contribute to Team Levi.

~ Max and Louisa Hinmon

This article is a reflection of the opinions of the author. The author and Hollywood Celebrity Connection are in no way affiliated with the CW, Supernatural, or it's creator Eric Kripke. Supernatural is the property of the CW network. All photos are property of the CW network. This is a fan blog.

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